Unbanksy joins Mark11 to discuss his journey as a software entrepreneur and how that led him to discover Zeus and Olympus. They also dive into how he built Olympus' first app and the stress of coding the first DAI bonds smart contracts. He also shares he expertise on what the future of Olympus looks like in terms of the interoperability between Olympus products and the importance of 3,3.

What they touch on:

Unbanksy’s role in the DAO (0:41)

Crypto journey and background (1:46)

Diving into DeFi (5:17)

Intro to Olympus (5:56)

Control theory & Olympus’ Game Theory (7:03)

Becoming a contributor for Olympus (8:23)

Writing the first $DAI bond code (9:54)

Starting the DAO (11:50)

Launching Olympus Pro (12:56)

Tyche & Olympus Give (15:52)

Interoperability between Olympus products (18:19)

Olympus Incubator (19:04)

The issues with current VC models (19:46)

Roadmap for Incubator x Tyche (22:29)

Olympus launch products (22:54)

The importance of 3,3 for governance (24:06)

The implications of Olympus Branches: Lobis and [REDACTED] (25:22)

Race for Liquidity (27:04)

Proteus (28:09)

What’s the Kusama Network? (29:48)

DAO Reorganization and closing thoughts (32:43)

Olympus Agora:

- Twitter: https://twitter.com/OlympusAgora

- Medium: https://olympusagora.medium.com/

- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr34Uxn8LwJUEJVBYBGzmog

- Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/olympusagora


-Unbanksy https://twitter.com/unbanksyETH


- Dropkickdarren: https://twitter.com/dropkickdarren

- Mark11: https://twitter.com/Mark11ETH

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