Dropkickdarren and Mark11 keep you updated on all that happened during day #2 of FOHMO3.

Podcast timestamps:

Day #2 intro

OP launch plan, 0:48

Ledger team chat, 1:39

Data & metrics team presentations, 2:25

Fattybags' Apeliens project, 6:51

Kitanas' guided meditation session, 7:35

Memetics, Odyssey origins, 7:56

Ohmie stories, 9:48

Relevant links:

Rusowsky's OWAD: https://dune.xyz/0xrusowsky/Olympus-Wallet-History

Zap's dashboard: https://dune.xyz/CyJackX/OHM-Days-until-Supply-meets-RFV

Tachi's playground: https://share.streamlit.io/tachikoma000/olympusplayground/main/PlaygroundsApplication/Simulators/app.py#welcome-to-your-playground

We touch on a lot in this one Ohmies, how did we do?


Let us know how you feel about the podcast by filling in the google form that we've linked above.^

Olympus Agora:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AgoraDispatch?s=20

Dropickdarren- https://twitter.com/dropkickdarren

Mark11- https://twitter.com/Mark11ETH

If you're looking to contribute to the podcast- or think you can add to Olympus Agora, what are you waiting for Ohmie? Come and join us in the OlympusDAO discord!


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