Dropkickdarren and Mark11 navigate you through the newsletter- audio style.


Editorial- 3,3 Culture (0:59)

Events in the Agorasphere (2:50)

OHM-LUSD crucible bond program (4:01)

Let's 3, 3 together {pooltogether} (5:26)

Olympus Pro update (8:13)

Olympus playgrounds (10:33)

Forum discussions, X chain liquidity (12:11)

DAO DAO swap with Tokemak (14:42)

Klima launch (17:13)

Algar's flowchart (18:05)

Odyssey update- Mushrohms project (19:27)

From the Frontlines (20:27)

Fiskantes alpha drop (21:06)

Ohmie of the week (22:33)

Numbers at a glance (23:21)

Meme of the week (26:13)

State of the DAO (27:02)

Agora learning (27:47)

Bit of the week (28:02)

We touch on a lot in this one Ohmies, how did we do?


Let us know how you feel about the podcast by filling in the google form that we've linked above.^

Olympus Agora:

Twitter- https://twitter.com/AgoraDispatch

Medium- https://medium.com/@agoradispatch


Dropkickdarren- https://twitter.com/dropkickdarren

Mark11- https://twitter.com/Mark11ETH

If you're looking to contribute to the podcast- or think you can add something to our product quality, what are you waiting for Ohmie? Come and join us in the OlympusDAO discord!


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