In this episode, we invite Wren Collier on to talk about 2004’s Marebito (and Wren’s essay on the film). We talk the Shaver mysteries, true horror, dero (detrimental robots), descents into the underworld, 5-Second Films, urban exploration, katabasis, Thelema, baptism, The Order of the Arrow initiation, sticking with sports, tongue slicing, Starry Wisdom, becoming invincible, the Headless Rite, our paranormal experiences, people who will never believe paranormal shit, the Moon as an abandoned weapon, life on Mars and Venus, Lovecraftian Digimon, playing in different IPs, and Ichi the Killer 2.

Machen “The White People”

The Air Loom Gang

The Meadow Project

Penetration by Ingo Swann

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