Urs Reupke is a Certified Scrum Trainer and Agile Coach who works for the Hamburg-based Agile Consultancy It-Agile. A lot of Urs’s time and attention is focused on the work he does coaching management and providing leadership consulting as they move towards adopting a more Agile approach to work.

One specific area Urs is passionate about is the Core Cycle of Agile Product Development. In this interview, Urs and I talk about what the Core Cycle of Agile Product Development is, why it is so critical to the success of your product, and why his desire to help others produce better products is what motivated him to move out of his development role and into a role where he could achieve that goal.

Here are links to some of the things we discussed during the podcast:

- Urs’s presentation Tear Down This Wall, which focuses on the Core Cycle of Agile Product Development and can be downloaded here: http://bit.ly/2SnUckJ

- Steve Jobs' attention to yellow: https://www.geek.com/apple/steve-jobs-as-ceo-he-cared-about-a-shade-of-yellow-on-a-sunday-1415795/

- Roman's axis of product ownership: https://www.romanpichler.com/blog/be-a-balanced-product-leader-not-a-feature-broker-or-product-dictator/

- Godwin's law: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law

- Urs’ Tai Chi Page: http://centre-qigong-hamburg.de/

If you’d like to contact Urs, here is how you can reach him

- Web: www.it-agile.de
- Email: [email protected]