Charlotte DiBartolomeo is the CEO and Founder of The Red Kite Project, an organization that provides resiliency training in high pressure industries. This work involves coaching, consulting, and training centered around how to dismantle dehumanizing systems, rebuild trusting relationships, and cope with burnout. As an example of this, The Red Kite Project worked with public transit bus drivers in Philadelphia who were trained in ways to cope with conflict, how to recognize and de-escalate verbal attacks, and how to develop coping skills to help them at work and at home.

In this interview, Charlotte, who has a background in conflict mediation, crisis counseling, and human services, explains why trust is an endangered species and how we can go about rebuilding it and re-humanizing people.

“The problem with fear is that it kills creativity”

If you work in an organization where trust is scarce, failure is not an option, and “resources” are expected to meet demands that regularly require that they sacrifice the time they need to take care of themselves and their families, or in an organization that is experiencing system-wide burnout due to constant change, you’ll find ideas in here to help you understand the toll this is taking and steps you can take to rebuild trust. During the interview, Charlotte and Dave discuss how to transform your organization into a place that can celebrate teams and the value humans can deliver when we give them a safe space to thrive.

To contact Charlotte DiBartolomeo and The Red Kite Project
Phone: (215) 459-3518