Assumptions are often the Achilles heel of any development effort. These are the things we’ve unintentionally decided are true and unfortunately, far too often, our assumptions are wrong. If you’ve based the success of the work you are doing on incorrect assumptions… VERYBADTHINGS.

But, if they are things we’ve unintentionally decided are true? How do we find them in the first place? And if we can find them, what do we do about them?

This episode is all about understanding the assumptions we are making when we develop new products and services. Precoil Founder David Bland has joined me to talk about why we need to pay attention to assumptions and how to use Assumptions Mapping to determine which of our assumptions present the biggest threat and need to be addressed first. During the interview, we review how to use the Assumptions Mapping approach that is included in Testing Business Ideas, the book David co-wrote with Alexander Osterwalder.

Links from the Podcast
Testing Business Ideas By David J. Bland and Alexander Osterwalder:
Strategyzer Virtual Masterclass in May:

Contacting David

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