Featuring: Ammosart, Ashgar, Belghast, Grace, Kodra, Tamrielo, and Thalen


Tonight we are back with the whole crew. We start off the show talking about how Secrets of Grindea, a game that we did an early gameclub show about…  has FINALLY launched out of Early Access. From there we talk about Last Epoch some more as Kodra was out last week and has much to say about explosions.  We also discussed building different characters and how the game rewards them.  Bel attempts a Tier list but gets shut down as he is the only one who still prefers Path of Exile. Finally, Tam and Ammo share their early thoughts about Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.


Topics Discussed:

Secrets of Grindea Launched

Last Epoch

Kodra Returns and Has Thoughts

The joy of building new characters

Bel’s Tier Ranking Gets Shut Down

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth