Featuring: Ashgar, Belghast, Kodra, and Tamrielo


Hey Folks! This is potentially our last show of the year because the next few weeks and the holidays within them…  are going to make it very hard to gather a quorum.  This week we are going to be brutally honest and tell you that if you have no interest in Path of Exile, then this might be a show for your to skip.  While we have a very brief conversation about Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and Kodra saving the day and being the big kid rescuing a stranded party, the show is mostly diving into the “Bel League” private league thusfar.  So yeah we talk about Path of Exile for an hour and a half and if that is not your thing, then that is totally cool.


Topics Discussed


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

---- Making Memories, Saving Wiped Teams


Path of Exile

-- Affliction League One Week In

-- How Our Builds are Going

-- What happens when you follow a bait build

---- How much better the game would be with free respecs