Hey Folks! This week we start off with a topic about in game events, and how wildly different they can be between various games.  Specifically this topic was inspired by the Star Citizen IAE 2953 event but we give into many different game events.  Ash gets around to playing Armored Core 6 and talks about how awful the intro to the game is.  Bel laments how sometimes maybe being a more Open World experience makes a game worse.  Specifically this is inspired by Jedi Survivor and how it is a much less tight game than Fallen Order.  Shocking to no one we dive into another Path of Exile topic and more specifically how Kodra and Bel completed some dumb Trial of the Ancestors achievements.  Bel has finished Alan Wake II and gives the game another hard plug and then talks a bit about how Guild Wars 2 Secrets of the Obscure is really good.


Topics Discussed:

In Game Festival Events

Star Citizen IAE 2953

Final Fantasy events

Other Game Holidays

Armored Core 6

Why is the intro so awful?

Sometimes Open World Makes Games Worse

Jedi Survivor

Muddied Waters

Path of Exile

Doing Dumb things with Totems

Lament of why Multiplayer is needlessly punishing

Kodra knocking out achievements

Alan Wake II - After Credit Roll

Guild Wars 2 Secrets of the Obscure is good