SHIELD watches for "The Sign" that Izel is about to release "New Life" from a portal created by the Di'Alla stones. She used the sudden creation of Mack's Inhuman friend Flint to reform the stones and begin the process of bringing the Shrike to Earth. May and Daisy lead a team to rescue them and stop their pink-haired nemesis with a lot of help from Deke's tech. But tragedy strikes May as they discover that they put a little too much trust in Sarge. Plus, Deke gets stuck in the temple, running from Shrike zombies while the rest of the team tries to get the Zephyr flying before they're overrun. Everyone battles it out for supremacy before Izel's plan comes to fruition. And we get the final answer to whether Coulson is coming back or not. Jay and Josh try to catch their breath (and not because they swallowed a Shrike) on the action-packed, exciting season finale of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Case Files