"Rise and Shine" with your fellow HYDRA agents as we take a trip into General Hale's past. Twenty-eight years ago, Hale was a shining star in the ranks of HYDRA, but one decision led her down a path that would develop into the alien threat we have today. Daniel Whitehall chose a young Hale to be the mother of a perfect HYDRA soldier. Flash forward to Ruby. She and her mother seem to be all that is left of HYDRA and they try to convince General Talbot that they are fighting the good fight for all of humanity. Talbot is a tough nut to crack though. His loyalty will always be to his country, and refuses to work with those nasty squids! And that brings us to Coulson. He gets a similar HYDRA treatment to Talbot, but after hearing Hale's plan to protect us all from alien invaders and meeting a supposed alien ally, he's not buying it. He's seen the future and learned what this plan will lead to. He needs some rescuing, and whether they like it or not, the team may need to use Fitz to help them get there. Jay and Josh enjoy a big bowl of Oops, All Berries on this week's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Case Files.