Wanna spend "The Last Day" on SHIELD's Zephyr? That's where human survivors are living, and waiting for the heroes to come save everyone. Zephyr One crashed at the lighthouse when the world cracked like an egg back in 2018. Since then, the Inhuman prophet Robin has been giving confusing clues that indicate Coulson is the answer to ending all this. Kasius sends Sinara to the surface to either kill Daisy or bring her back dead. And while he's at it, he unleashes the Vrellnexians on the humans in the lighthouse. Mack and YoYo are on it. With the help of Flint, they stop the roaches and save the day. Back on the Zephyr, the team's new allies may not be as friendly as they seemed. Their leader has decided to change the past by killing Daisy before she can go back in time to destroy Earth. Luckily they stop him, but he attacks Robin, who reveals something very important to May and it could just save the day, if they can just find Flint. Jay and Josh try to make sense of the past, the present, and if humans will have a future on this week's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Case Files.