“Really, really good marketing isn’t what everybody thinks it is. It’s being able to articulate what’s in the back of your ideal client’s head better than they can.”- Jess Lenouvel

Are you someone who’s new to the field and isn’t sure how to market yourself?

Or are you established in the industry but aren’t getting the return on investment (ROI) from your marketing that you want?

In either case, this episode is for you! In this wide-ranging interview, Toronto-based real estate coach Jess Lenouvel of The Listings Lab provides the blueprint which you can use to raise your visibility and approachability to attract clients. She also explains why authenticity is crucial for building relationships and provides clear examples of how to maximize testimonials and case studies.

While our previous guests have dropped copious amounts of knowledge, today’s guest takes it to a whole other level so get your notepad ready!

Jess’s  Info:

-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jesslenouvel/ 

-The Listings Lab Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheListingsLab

-The Listings Lab: https://www.thelistingslab.com/ 

-Her article: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/313703

Resources Mentioned: 

-Help a reporter out, HARO: https://www.helpareporter.com/

Jasmine & Alan's contact info:

-Jasmine: https://www.instagram.com/jasmineteam_mortgage/

-Alan: https://www.instagram.com/thehouseofac/

Agent Upgrade:

-Website: https://agentupgrade.libsyn.com/


-YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqsg1xvT7t9o9BYoLx3-0yw