Jessica Scanlon, CEO of Hot Dog Marketing, joins the podcast to share her team's journey in transitioning from standard retainers to an agile retainer strategy. As Jessica explains, by leveraging the agile methodology, the planning cycles and production sprints of her team’s retainers now allow for more flexibility, responsiveness, and better client results. We start with a breakdown of agile retainers (what they are and why they matter) and the impetus was in making this transition. We then unpack the transition period for her team, including the key elements that needed to be reimagined across project management, process development, pricing strategies, team training and more. We wrap with results: what Jessica’s client engagements look like today, the differences she feels with the new agile approach in place, and the most noticeable, tangible impact on KPIs she’s seen—like average order value, assets under management per CS rep, and more.