Mandy Thompson, Founder and CEO of Digital Reach Online Solutions, joins the show to talk about both her approach to building a globally distributed team and a big bet the team is making on productizing the complex end of HubSpot services—like API integration deployment. Mandy starts with her approach to building global teams, including the human-centric principles the team anchors to, the methods for establishing a company culture, and how she drives accountability across the team. From there, we talk about HubClub—her team’s platform for productized, self-service HubSpot services. However, via HubClub, Mandy’s team executes more advanced, technical HubSpot tasks—a contrast to the normal “rinse and repeat” style of productized offerings. She shares how HubClub is operationalized to be able to offer these services in a scalable way—and how she factors in the technical consultation, business analysis, and change management functions required.