Coming to you from the partner space at INBOUND22, Karim Bouras, the founder of Nile, jumps on the show to share the big bets his team is making as we approach 2023 as a means of triaging the saturation and commoditization of inbound services. Karim highlights two major bets—first, specialization around an industry and a deep investment into the marketing strategy for this specific industry. Karim shares the channels in which he focuses his time to connect with these best-fit prospects—including his podcast, which serves doubly as a means of engagement with this audience and a way to secure time with target prospects. Second, Nile has committed to a move away from being a traditional marketing agency to offering CRM implementation and integration services. And this requires a significant investment in education—education for both his prospects to understand the value and education for his team to transition from marketers to sales consultants and technical experts of HubSpot.