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We are delighted to bring you our chat with Agegroup Athlete Darren Bird
Darren Says:
I’m now 42 years of age, 43 in August. I’m a serving firefighter in the London fire brigade and have been for 21+ years. I joined at the age of 21. I’m actually a 3rd generation Firefighter following in the footsteps of my father and grandfather which you would think is why I’m in the industry as it’s a family thing but it’s actually a very different reason which I will go on to explain at some point further on! 

Sports participation wise, triathlon wasn’t even something I had heard of until my late 20’s and I didn’t take part in my 1st one until 2011 at the age of 31. I was always an active child, I always had lots of energy and if I didn’t exercise it out then I think I could be considered a pain in the arse which to be fair is not to dissimilar to now! I would always be out on my bike or over the park playing football after school which I know now makes me sound like one of them old moaning generation but that is how it was back then! Ride to the park, play football or tennis and get back for dinner. I started playing rugby at 6 or 7 years of age but I think then the youngest team started at under 8s or 9s so I was allowed unofficially to join in training with my brothers team but not play until I was older to start legally. There was something I really loved about rugby. I think it was the pure physicality of tackling. I was reasonably good (even if I do say so myself!) but football was always the cooler sport in my mind as that’s what all my school mates played and we would even play that after rugby whilst our parents were all chatting and having a beer in the clubhouse. I started playing football in little league on a Saturday and rugby on Sundays. 

By complete chance I got a new Guvnor on my watch at work who used to race as an age grouper for GB at triathlon. She mentioned it to me a few times but I kind of palmed it off as I hadn’t swam really other than messing about on holidays since my parents used to take me to swim club as a child. 

The more I raced the more I chased that buzz! I applied for a GB slot for the 1st time in 2015 and took part in the European long distance triathlon championships. I had loads of friends and family come to support me. I was so proud putting on that GB suit!

With covid and the going through a divorce and now sharing custody 50-50 off my son, racing has had to take a back seat for a while! I do really miss it and can’t wait to put on a GB suit again one day! I think the time away has probably made me hungrier! I will certainly appreciate that moment next time I’m stood on that start line absolutely shitting myself!

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