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On episode 71, we feature Agegroup athlete Ben Sommerville.

Bens story is one of a swimmer, turned triathlete, turned triathlon coach and it began for him in 2012 he was introduced to the sport of triathlon by his then swimming coach.

He recommended that Ben watched the upcoming Olympic Games triathlon and the already world famous Brownlee Brothers to see if that was perhaps something he might be interested in doing. As he watched the London Olympic triathlon He knew then and there, that's what he wanted to do.

Ben has had to conquer a fair few challenges along his journey, moving away to University, moving back home again, countless injuries and setbacks. But, he counts himself lucky that all this time he has been surrounded by some of the most amazing athletes, coaches, friends, and rivals.

Ben never fulfilled his own Olympic dream but he has been fortunate enough to represent his country in a sport that has truly shaped and changed his life for the better and that continues to inspire him to be the best athlete, coach, and person that he can be.

 you can follow Ben on instagram @coachben

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