Claire says she literally tried every sport at school. Most lunchtimes She was at one sports club or other.  She says she was never very good at anything but She would run about for ever! 

At 17 Claire decided to join the army. She claims she wasn’t exactly suited to this as She was a shy teenager but off She went anyway. Claire says she was the worst recruit but served 7 years, played football for the Corps and begrudgingly ran when She was asked to. On leaving The Army Claire had a nice chunk of leave and started running for fun and she decided to trained for the great north run. This is where her love for running emerged. 

A few years of running, interspersed with football led to Claire doing the London marathon in 2011. 

2012 and a freak ballot entry into the first ride London gave Claire a new found love for road cycling. Few later years and a good few centuries of road biking take her up to 2016 when She stopped everything again to have her daughter. 

2018, when Claires daughter was 18 months She randomly entered a super sprint Duathlon. She says she came last by an actual mile but she loved it. She hasn’t looked back since!