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Episode 22 featuring Multisport Athlete. Kate Cadbury 

Kate says she was never sporty as a child, she enjoyed crisps too much! Then when She went to University to study Physiotherapy in 2000 she was surrounded by sporty people and obviously the course was focusing on health, wellbeing and exercise and She met her now husband who was sporty so She started to get into going to the gym and occasional jogging. 

Once Kate qualified as a physio, she and some fellow junior physios signed up to a 10k. They trained by walk/running along the promenade by Bournemouth beach and She ended up coming 3rd in the race and since then hasn’t looked back. Kate went on to win local 10k races over the years. 

After having her first baby Kate remembers trying to go for her first run and felt like her pelvic floor was going to fall out on the pavement so She decided to get into cycling and hit the turbo trainer which combined with pilates allowed her to get strong post natally and allowed her to return to running safely and correctly. Kate then set herself the target of doing some sprint triathlons as a goal for 1 year after having a baby - again She seemed to do pretty well and got on the podium each time. 

A triathlete patient then said to her that she should try and qualify for the age group team’ - so she did! And did the qualifier in Cambridge and remembered turning up feeling like a country bumpkin mum with no idea. Kate had old muddy trainers on, a miss matched outfit and felt totally intimidated by the GB outfits. Again she went onto qualify and so went to race in Denmark in 2018 where she came 5th in age group and automatically qualified for 2019 , She raced In Pontevedra and got on the podium winning a bronze medal. Kate was due to race in 2020 in Almere but like everyone is still waiting for that race. 

Kate would like to think that her history demonstrates you don’t always have to be sporty to do well later in life. You can smash goals after children and be fitter and stronger than ever. You can balance a career, children and sport. Most importantly highlight to women that it is so important to return to sport safely and correctly post fatally to avoid complications. 

You can find Kate on Instagram @cadburypilates 
and other website 

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