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Episode 18 an inspiring story of a frontline NHS physiotherapist, Agegrouper, who has the passion for sustainability.

A self proclaimed  podgy kid, Craig  played mainly football (in goal), dabbled a little swimming getting ducks and frosty awards, but failed his cycling proficiency.

It was secondary school that opened doors to multiple other sports- Rugby (played prop), Basketball, squash, cross country, hockey- turned out had an affinity with hard graft of running Craig enjoyed the cooper runs around the astro pitch! 

Craig progressed and did his football refereeing and coaching qualifications. Whilst continuing the cross country. He managed to represent at national school for South west- very. He had a great teacher who also had raced for GB tri and Duathlon in the early days (Mr Ian Smith- Biology Teacher), he talked about being in Australia and all over and doing IM's

Craig attended the same school as Vicky Holland- Newent Community school)

The school had a little triathlon in the community, in 2010 couple of school friends all bet one another to complete and race it. He finished 40th, and was asked to join a local tri team- but declined.

 Triathlon and multi sport didn't really kick off for Craig  until he went to University in Huddersfield. Here he quickly immersed himself in local community sport joining Holmfirth Athletics club (Mark Buckingham, Richard Anderson, Jonny McLean, Byram family, Rachel Mellor, Steve Rimmer, John Levick and Andrew Kerry) to name a few inspiring multisport figures! 

2012 apart from being a Games maker at the Olympics and para-Olympics he took part in an ultra marathon (Round Rotherham 50mi) lots of cross country and tri's qualified for 2013 duathlon champs Ottawa (This had it's challenges, 1 mechanical and a accident, 2x attempts to qualify) and 2013 tri champs london! - but buggered that up 10 days before due to fly to Canada he fell off his bike and fractured his scapula. So he was out for August and Septembers champs. 2013 unlucky year!

Craig managed to requalify for 2014 world champs (Pontevedra) but a little too much running over the winter led to bad bilaterally ITB issues! So painful he couldn't run he turned up for the atmosphere and cycle around to support! Main goal was first IM (Wales, Tenby, 12:04) Finished Uni and qualified again for Adelaide so decided to go travelling with that. Not the best shape and somehow made it back as first Brit home in that wave 20-25

He then Qualified for Kalkar and Alvieles - had a proper coach by Arron Harris- felt amazing but felt under performed! 

With these 3 events kind of fell out of love with the travels and stress concentrate on local events and getting settled with partner, Moved up to Newcastle upon Tyne for work.

 Craig won the senior NE Multi sport series in 2018 

 From moving up to Newcastle they took on an allotment, to be more self sufficient and started looking at the impact sport and particularly triathlon has on the environment.

 Craig would like to start getting all of the brilliant heads together to see what they can do to help the planet (Note 220 Triathlon mag). 2020 was supposed to be the challenge to that. Now seeing it as a way to get a fresh start and how we as multi sport athletes can help that... 

Please enjoy and be educated on sustainability as I was.

You can follow Craig on Instagram @The_Sustainable_Traiathlete

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