Heading back into The citadel our 3 brew loving Dwarves encounter... A tent fort? oooww DIBBS!
With the initial petition for heroes mission complete the Dwarves Regroup without the halfling Cleric and venture back into the citadel to find an unusual squarer besides the goblins...
4 Brew & Lore loving Dwarves, Go headlong into Citadel Alterien on "Hell Knight Hill"

Sponsored By "Fantasy Grounds" on Steam, in association with Dark Galaxies Gaming!
Also Thanks to our new sponsor "Devin Night" for providing use with all his art work minis with the folks at Fantasy Grounds to use here!
Dice Wise Entertainment presents Pathfinder 2nd Edition Age of ashes Campaign Adventure Path!
Host/GM Jeff Ball of The Roll mongers Podcasting Network/ Dice Wise Ent.
Tech/Npcs Rob Hammond
Rules lawyer/Npcs Joe Gibson

Roll Mongers Cast:
Matt Witt
Frank Hamilton
Ryan Messsina

Cheryl Ball of Dice Wise Entertainment

"ODIN" by Evan king
By TabletopAudio.com

Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/DarkGalaxiesGam... 8pm Est

Uploaded to You Tube

Evan King --

Forest Night
Industrial Cinematic
Castle jail

Edvard Greg
"The Morning song"