Hi everyone and Happy New Year! Alan and I hope you are having a great start to 2021. We recorded a video/podcast with some of our thoughts about 2020 and some of our goals and dreams for 2021.

Here are the questions we discussed. Feel free to use these questions as you make plans for the new year.

What is my most treasured moment from 2020?

Why was this moment so special to me? How did it make me feel?

What has been my biggest challenge of 2020?

What might be the learning opportunity for me within this challenge? How am I being encouraged to grow/change?

How can I take this learning forward and show the Universe that I am ready to transform from the inside?

What is my personal intention for 2021? (An intention is a positive statement written in the present tense. i.e. "I am living authentically and openly sharing my love!" Write out this intention and place it around your house as a reminder to repeat it often, helping to support your consciousness in bringing these positive qualities forward!)


About Age Gap Love Story

Age Gap Love Story offers information, support, and community to help make your age gap relationship successful. We are Carrie and Alan, a married couple with a 32 ½ year age difference. We've been together since 1998 and we want to share our experiences navigating the unique challenges of this type of relationship, including issues of family, infertility, health, and more.

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