Recently I learned that the person who molested me at the age of 14 died.  I thought when that happened I would feel some kind of emotion.  I would feel some kind of justice, but I didn’t really feel anything, nothing, nada.  I know this is going to sound bad but I was truly disappointed that I didn’t feel something, some kind of emotion.  I realized that the hate I felt and guilt I felt had diminished.  For years I wished him dead and even recently hoped his death would be painful.  My only thought now is the world is free from the evil and hopefully the damage that he caused to several families can be healed.  

You can feel evil when you are in its presence and I tried several times to ignore that feeling when I was forced to be at the same place that he was in/at, family functions. After I was married it was easier but that evil feeling was still there, just not as strong.  

I have felt that same evil a couple of other times.  Once when my dad died and once when my daughter was small and a man came to the door of the house we were renting, to invite us to his church.   I don’t know if I can explain it or describe the feeling.  It’s just a feeling that crawls over your body and makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck.  

It’s been a long year since COVID put me at home, which was March of 2020.  I started my podcast in August of 2020. It is/was a personal journal. This has been m therapy for the last 9 months.  There were days that if I had not had the podcast as an outlet I would have lost my mind.  I’ve shared a lot over the last 9 months and I plan to keep podcasting.  I just feel like I want to try a different kind of podcast.  I haven’t fully decided yet what I will do, but as soon as it is ready I will be sharing with everyone and until then I will still be recording and sharing on this one.  

I’ve enjoyed doing this and it is a lot of fun.  I like being able to share.  Thanks to everyone that listens, downloads and shares.  Have a blessed day!  

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