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 I take any task assigned to me very seriously.  Working in relocation whether it is pets or people, there are a lot of moving parts.  No matter what you do for a living there are always things that can happen, but in people relocation, missing something or making an error on paperwork, doesn’t cost a life.  In pet relocation, if it is not correct an animal’s life is at stake.  I am very diligent about doing things in order, correctly and making sure I check everything before I complete paperwork.  I didn’t have a lot of a training curve when I started this job either.  I felt like after being shown once maybe twice I was supposed to have it down. So I really try to make sure I’ve followed the guidelines and do a good job, so when an error is pointed out, I do get upset.  Some days it just doesn’t seem to matter how hard I try, things are not correct.  There is a new person learning to do the same position as I am doing.  He has been here about three weeks.  It really aggravates me when you ask someone a question and it should be a yes or no answer and you get a dissertation.  I also don’t like it when there are different rules for different people.  I’ve seen that many times over the years in corporate America.    It sucks when you have those people that are treated differently and you are doing the same position and have the same job title.  I hate having to go back and clean up files after someone else has screwed them up.  I’ve been doing that in relocation for most of my life.  You clean up after someone and then they get all the recognition and praise.  I really just want to scream sometimes.  Sometimes I just wonder if it is worth it!  But then reality hits.  I have to have a job.  Money is not everything but without it you can’t have a roof over your head, food on your table or clothes on your back.  Someone once said it is just a job.  That is true, but when my daughter was about 3, the manager at the company I worked for told me that I could not let my personal life cause my work life issues.  I guess I took that to heart.  I try very hard to keep them separated. I worked my way up in the relocation industry from secretary or wait that an administrative assistant now to a senior consultant making good money.  I’m very detailed oriented and I am very good at remembering what someone tells me to do.  I make notes, keep examples and follow guidelines when I’m learning something new.  I started that after that manager stated that I had to keep work and life separate.  I’m very good at time management.  I believe you lay out your day and you work to accomplish each and every task until it is finished before you quit for the day.  If that means not taking a lunch or working a little late, than that is what I do or was doing.  Just like with every job, an email or a call can change your schedule in a heartbeat.  I guess I’m just too old school.  I believe you do a job, you do it right and you don’t make excuses.  If you screw up, then you take the responsibility.  However, I also believe if you were following the directions of someone else and did exactly what you were told to do and there is an error, then that error belongs to everyone.  Then again, I’ve always been very responsible.  I’ve never tried to blame someone else for my error, if it was truly my error.  People are just different now.  I was trust to do my job and I did that job and the only time m

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