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Fairy tales that start with Once upon a time are not really fairy tales of love and happily ever after.  They are tales of distress, entrapment and normally some horrible outcomes. Some of the outcomes are death, life imprisonment or suffering cruelty at the hands of someone with more power or more money.  Power and money don’t always belong to one person.  Sometimes one will possess the power and another possesses the money.  Occasionally those items are both controlled by one single entity.  

Evil exists in all places in this world.  Sometimes it is so bad you can feel it when you walk into a place or up to a person.  It is a feeling that you can’t wash off or back away from.  You have to leave and get away as far as possible from the person or the place.  I’ve felt that a few times in my life and I should have gone with my gut feeling.  There is always hindsight in those situations.  What do you do?  How do you act?  How do you get away?  I’m not sure I have those answers.  In one such situation, it was only after several weeks of heartache and problems, did I finally find the courage to say no and leave.  Sometimes the cruelty we suffer at the hands of another person is not physical but mental.  That is the cruelty that is the hardest to recognize and the hardest to break away from and most of the time there is guilt felt by the victim and not by the abuser.  There is no hero on white horse to come save the fair maiden.  There is no hero to slay the dragon and sometimes, with no hope insight, the fair maiden will decide to make the ultimate sacrifice instead of enduring the abuse.  

Sometimes with the sadness and despair become too much, the victim doesn’t see any other way to get away.  They will take the poison, plunge the dagger into their own heart, or jump off the ledge.  They don’t have any hope left.  They’ve waited and waited for someone to help them.  They don’t know how to ask for that help or where to find the help that they need to escape.  As a last resort, they believe their only hope is to seek death by whatever means that might be for them.  Breaking a glass, using a knife, taking the pills, drinking the poison, jumping off the ledge or in some cases they attack the abuser hoping they will get angry and kill them.  It is a sad and bleak day when the news has to be broken to a family that their loved one has died either by their own hands or at the hands of an abuser.  

Suicidal thoughts are not as uncommon as some people would think.  There have been a couple of times that I have thought about it, but I’m too much of a coward and could never do it.  There are people that are past the point of caring, hoping and feeling or they feel too much.  If you are someone you know has those thoughts or you know they need help, reach out to them or call someone to get them some help.  

The suicide hotline is a toll free call:  800-273-8255.  If you feel like you are in a situation where you can’t win or get away and you think the only way out is death, make the call.  If you can’t make the call because of the situation, get a message to a family member or a friend.  Go to someone you do feel you can trust.  And if someone tells you to get a restraining order against your abuser, remember that is just a piece of paper.  It won’t stop anyone who is hell bent on hurting you. 

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