This just makes your heart full because it helps to reassure you that there really are great people in this world.

Tenley Walker, was sadly diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer just 25 days before graduating high school. She said that it started out as just headaches, but turned out to be worse news than expected. She was involved in FFA and the fair, but this year she wasn't able to show because she started chemo and radiation. 

Meet her good friend Grant Goodell, he also just graduated and WAS able to show at the Eau Claire County Fair this year. Grant knew that his pig was going into the auction, so he had one request.

He decided to donate all of the proceeds from his pig to Tenley and her family. Grant's pig weight in at 276 pounds and was sold at $32/pound. 

In case you don't wanna do the math, that means Grant raised $8,832 for his friend!

Stories like this are the best because it shows how caring people really can be.