Welcome to my new podcast, ‘Afternoon Tea with Richard Wiseman’. During the Edinburgh Festival I will invite some of my…

Welcome to my new podcast, ‘Afternoon Tea with Richard Wiseman’. During the Edinburgh Festival I will invite some of my favourite magicians, skeptics, psychologists and comedians to join me for afternoon tea. Over a plentiful supply of cakes, pastries and sandwiches we will chat about this and that, and occasionally the other. I hope that you will feel moved to put on the kettle, relax and join us.

First up is top comedy magician Pete Firman. Pete has appeared in loads of TV shows (including Monkey Magic and Dirty Tricks), has a great live act and is a very funny man.

Over afternoon tea we chatted about comedy, Penn & Teller, and why he loves the ‘vanishing bandana’ trick.

If you are coming to Edinburgh, you can catch Pete’s show at the Cow Barn throughout August.

I hope you enjoy the first of many Afternoon Tea podcasts!


Download here.

And here is Pete in action on Saturday Live….
