The Shepherd is devoting an episode each week during the month of April to highlight awareness to an epidemic in America. Not the pandemic, but a spreading social disease known as the OPIOID CRISIS. This form of drug addiction has become a major concern, not only in America, but the world. The advent of new forms and compounds of painkillers that are prescribed and legal have found their way into unintended hands, while many victims of accidents and surgeries are themselves becoming serious addicted to the very drugs that were intended to bring relief. The Shepherd is urging our listeners to take part in "NATIONAL DRUG TAKE BACK DAY" - which is Saturday, April 24. In this first episode, we feature three individuals who were themselves addicts. Mike Gilland is joined by Brittany Parks and JC Derrick. JC is the publisher of the MAINSTREET DAILY NEWS-a sister publication to the Shepherd, where you can see the print version of this series (