Today we're discussing destiny—your soul purpose for being here and your true life's calling. Sometimes we can see clues about our life’s calling when looking in hindsight at our childhood or past. I’m going to share two stories from my past that serve as examples, little hints that I was meant to do the work I’m now doing. And past guest Nancy Canning talks about her new book, Your Soul's Calling: Answering the Question Why Am I Here?
As they say in infomercials: But wait there’s more! We'll also hear two stories from the audience, one from Debra who shares her Near-Death Experience and one from Milton who shares his After-Death Communications. I'll also answer a question from Afterlife TV listener, Jack, about the purpose of spirit evolution, and then answer a question from my book, Answers About The Afterlife, which asks: Does My Loved One In Spirit Forgive Me? I hope you enjoy the show! ~ Bob Olson, Afterlife TV


Sponsor: Best Psychic Directory:

Poem In Memory of Matthew:

Article that answers Jack's question:

Answers About the Afterlife (Bob's book):

Instant Readings:

Ask Bob A Question for Afterlife TV:

Nancy Canning’s Contact Info for Regressions
Phone: 508-743-9545
Email: [email protected]

Nancy Canning’s New Book – Your Soul's Calling: Answering the Question "Why Am I Here?" CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE

Nancy Canning has worked with thousands of clients since 1980, helping them transform and improve the quality of their lives. She loves her work and feels honored to be part of the healing journey of so many people, from so many places around the world. She has her Master’s Degree in counseling psychology, is a certified clinical hypnotherapist, international workshop facilitator, engaging teacher, trained psychic, and is certified in past lives and journeys into the afterlife. Nancy offers private sessions in Florida, on the phone (508-743-9545), and via Skype or Zoom. Visit her web site, for details on all her offerings and to arrange a session.