Previous Episode: #95 Alt Show Names
Next Episode: #96 Alt Show Names

We start out this show well lubed! We ask Midge how the new stripping job is going and apparently not so good. We are discussing how much Kitty and Leo like toilet papering Midge and Cobra’s house when Jimmy V … Continue reading →

We start out this show well lubed! We ask Midge how the new stripping job is going and apparently not so good. We are discussing how much Kitty and Leo like toilet papering Midge and Cobra’s house when Jimmy V calls in to tell us a joke… and he gone! We watch a clip that Royal sent in of a guy singing a song about sharting. We wish Matt and Aspen a happy birthday and we contemplate how old Leroy is when Cobra tells us he thinks Leroy is black. We take a look at some bad tattoo choices which leads us down a rabbit hole. We get it back together and watch Alonzo Leone look up The Dumbest Questions on the Internet …  A truck full of Eels tips over on the highway and we have a shit load of questions about it. We take a break and when we come back, Kitty asks what a “Dick Skinner” is and down another rabbit hole we go discussing manatee penises. We try to rein it back in by eating some not so great flavored jelly bellies. We watch a strange coffee commercial that promotes incest and Royal calls in for the last part of the show. Did you know that there are a ton of people in this world named Shaquille? We take a look at the new Star Wars Land coming to Disney. Cobra shares with us a guy that invented a sound machine that makes scary movie sounds. Royal wants us to record an intro for a show he is editing and nope it don’t go well. We go to voice mails and it’s Grampa Simpson with a dilemma he needs advice on. Before we end this show Kitty sings us a song and takes us down a path we can’t come back from…. Enjoy!


Mike Pence went to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center and touched a piece of hardware with a “DO NOT TOUCH” sign

— Mic (@mic) July 7, 2017

Truck full of eels overturns on U.S. 101, dousing sedan with slithering sea creatures

— The Oregonian (@Oregonian) July 13, 2017

“Campfire Hymn #2” Intro by Brod Rob


Roy L McMahon


Cobra = @Cobra6768

Midge = @Midgey7609

Leo = @LeoAfterBurn739

Kitty = @KittyAfterBurn

Fez = @Fez919

Alternate Show Names

Dick Skinner


Squishy When I Shit

Sweat Socks and Underwear

Mug Shot Tattoos

That’s alot of fucking eels


Manitee Bonner

4 People Talking and a Douche Bag with an Ipad

Stick The Landing

Fried Ham, Fried Ham, Fried Ham

Do midgets have night vision

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