Jason, Merlin, Dan, and Tony talk more "Saga," plus "Hawkeye," David Letterman and more. Also our favorite TV shows, including "Sherlock Holmes" "Black Orphan" "Lucy, I Love You," "Dick Van Dyke's Show," and Mary Tyler Moore in "Rhoda."

Jason, Merlin, Dan, and Tony talk more "Saga," plus "Hawkeye," David Letterman and more. Also our favorite TV shows, including "Sherlock Holmes" "Black Orphan" "Lucy, I Love You," "Dick Van Dyke's Show," and Mary Tyler Moore in "Rhoda."

Links for this episode:

IMs from Brian K. Vaughan
Lying Cat on "Supernatural"
"Pizza is My Business" t-shirt

Brought to you by Rogue Amoeba, because this episode would have crashed and burned without their help getting Jason up and running with Nicecast.