Obituaries for the internal combustion engine are premature. Tighter emissions regulations have increased the demand for electric vehicles and better emissions controls make new gas engines amazingly clean. Despite that, the 1.5 billion vehicles on the road around the world still generate 12% of all greenhouse gases. Today’s EVs are practical for most everyday drivers leading governments to propose ICE bans. Laws limiting the use of ICE vehicles are on the rise. EV sales are growing year over year and will continue to do so, but maintaining this growth rate will be increasingly difficult. Combustion engines will power everyday vehicles beyond 2050. The most important reason will be in the hands of engineers. Engineers always step up to tackle hurdles. Since 1970, the light vehicle emissions have fallen roughly 99% while modern cars are more powerful and more reliable. Engineers will find answers to keep the ICE vehicles competitive for years to come. Only focusing on tailpipe emissions avoids larger pollution questions. Discussions continues about just how clean vehicles are, from the cradle to the grave, including acquiring the fuel, mining for components, and disposing of the vehicle at the end of its life. Globally by 2030, EVs will make up just 1/3 of total light vehicle production. New low emission fuels could help prolong the life of the ICE and hybridization continues to lower emissions. EVs will make up 50% of global production around 2040, meaning half of all vehicles in 17 years will still feature an internal combustion engine.

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