In this episode, host Kevin Ferrara introduces the Weekend Wrap-up Podcast audience to First In Wellness.  First In Wellness is a team of experienced health and wellness coaches who provide goal-oriented, personalized, and preventative health and wellness programs designed to meet specific challenges firefighters face everyday.

Kevin speaks with guests Danielle Cook Kawash, the founder of First In Wellness and Mike Salemi, the founder of Kettlebell Lifestyle.  Together, Danielle and Mike have developed an amazing set of individual and group health and wellness programs that anyone can use.

Throughout the podcast, Kevin asks Danielle and Mike their opinions on why health and wellness is so important to firefighters, both career and volunteer.

As the episode wraps-up, Kevin gives Danielle and Mike an opportunity to highlight what makes First In Wellness stand-out from other programs.

First In Wellness Home Page

First In Wellness Challenge

Firefighter Cancer Support Network

5th Annual Firefighter Health and Wellness Conference

Brothers Helping Brothers

Firefighter Cancer Consultants

Fire Dept. Coffee
Veteran owned and run by firefighters, Fire Dept. Coffee offers a wide variety of delicious coffee

Delivering strategic & operational planning fundamentals to emergency services around the world

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