In this episode, host Kevin Ferrara is seeking military firefighters who have stories to share with the No Defense documentary filmmakers who are working on a new project highlighting the impact AFFF and PFAs have on individuals.  This is an opportunity to share with the world, the significance AFFF has had on end-users who for the longest time, simply wanted answers as to why they or their family members are/were sick.

If you are interested in sharing your AFFF story, please email Kevin your contact information and a brief description of your story to: [email protected]

In other news, host Kevin Ferrara talks about the hazards associated with artificial turf used in many high school sports fields.  These fields have been found to contain PFAS due to the unrecyclable materials used in the products.

In the United Kingdom, Kevin learned there are increased concerns with PFAS in food packaging.  Kevin learned that of the 20 samples tested, 95% tested positive for PFAS.  This is of great concern for consumers who simply may not be aware of the products their food is stored in has the potential of contaminating their food.

As the episode closes, host, Kevin Ferrara talks about how 3M, a giant in the manufacturing industry using PFAS, has joined a New Hampshire utility company in an ongoing legal case.  Listeners will hear how 3M is underwriting the legal fees for the utility company despite what some consider is an ethical conflict of interest.

Links to topics discussed in this episode:

PFAS in Playing Fields: Defense Documentary: Food Packaging PFAS Concerns: Underwriting Legal Fees: Manufacturers Congressional Testimony:

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Email us at [email protected]

As always, keep supporting your local fire and emergency services, stay safe, and keep on listening!