There is NO better way to conclude this great series than by HAVING THE AUTHOR OF SAID TEXT ON OUR SHOW LIVE!!!

PROFESSOR MANU AMPIM WILL BE HERE FOR THE ENTIRE SHOW, walking through his text, correcting what we may have missed, answering your chat & phone questions!!!!!

Do we TALK too damn much?

Have all the decades of lecturing positively changed the conditions of stolen Afrikans ?

Are there any better ways to address the myriad problems facing the global Afrikan community?

What is the 11th Commandment & do we still follow it today?

Professor & primary researcher Manu Ampim in 1993 authored the book TOWARD BLACK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: MOVING BEYOND THE LIMITATIONS OF THE LECTURE MODEL & was basically whiteballed from the upper echelons of the Africentric comminuty.

He calls on the carpet the limitations of the Lecture model...goes through its history & talks about when it was effective. Then he discusses how it went awry & fully exposes an alternative to 'talking all the damn time', his WORKSHOP MODEL.