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Meet the brother who was fired from a Black institution (howard middle school-on the campus of howard university) for teaching "too much" Black History.

T'Shango Mbilishaka is an Afrikan freedom fighter who has been hiding out as a teacher for over a decade. He has taught in inner city communities in Boston and Washington D.C and has held positions in almost every grade level, from pre-K to college. T'Shango uses several traditional African teaching methods he has learned from his 8 trips to Afrika, studying under Dr. Asa Hilliard, and reading works on African socialization such as Kwame Agyei Akoto’s Nationbuilding, Sambuli Mosha of the Chagga, Malidoma and Sobonfo Some, Ayi Kwei Armah, Kia Fu-kiau Bunseki, Amos Wilson, and Eleni Tedla’s Sankofa: African thought and Education.  T'Shango has found the most effective teaching practices, the most effective parenting seminars and the most effective community initiatives are based firmly within a cultural and political context. T'Shango has found students are most enlightened (endarkened) when they are given the skills and world view to do the work necessary to empower their families, communities, and mother Afrika by learning about their history and practicing the culture of their great ancestors. Previously, T'Shango had been featured in Essence Magazine for bringing students back to Afrika, he was awarded runner up for “Most Outstanding Teacher” of the year in DC charter schools 2013 while at Howard University Middle School, and has been initiated as a Babalawo in Ifa in Nigeria. Lastly, he is also married to the lovely Afrikan Centered Psychologist Afiya M. Mbilishaka.

call in # 760-454-1111 & press 1 to ask your questions of this dynamic educator