Some people just make the best conversation partners. My guest this week, Roy Gluckman, public speaker and CEO of Cohesion Collective, is one. Roy's work focuses on bridging the gap between leaders and the workforce to achieve a more diverse and inclusive workplace. I enjoy dialoguing with Roy Gluckman because of the quality of thoughtfulness and integrity with which he holds this work.

Roy's perspective of COVID 19 as a system revealer was refreshing. And..., it made a lot of sense to me. This isn't changing the status quo as such, nor is it bringing up new issues, it's really just showing up and showing us what already "is there".  The Emperor's naked and COVID 19 called it!

If we hold that this is indeed a system revealer, what will be revealed as we prepare for work-life post lockdown? How do we ensure that hardwon workplace inclusion gains aren't lost as we press forward? Will we immediately lean into the engines (of capitalism and industry) or, will we give ourselves the opportunity for pause and reflection. The collective we. 

In this episode, we explore:
Fear will not get us the outcome we want 2:30
Anarchy, change agent or systems reveal 4:50
It's actually about leadership  10:18
...and a lack of trust 12:23
Pressing the time out button for a quick chat   12:43
The "gift" of COVID? Spotlighted deep inequalities  17:58  
Flattening the inequality curve 20:24
South Africa's COVID 19 response, a case study in Leadership  24:48
Creating social cohesion in workspaces post lockdown  29:54
   - financial security   32:00
   - spaces for PTS healing 32:41
   - check-ins 33:16
Stabilizing health, reducing stress 38:13
Performance Management 39:40
Being kind to self 44:17
COVID 19 is a trial run, there's more to come 47:17