Global News Update BBC/Sky/CNBCTechCheck/DW/Bloomberg  7 May 2020 family compliant please listen to the accompanying podcast…

In Today’s Bulletin

Britain worst recession in 300 years!

Black people 4 times more likely to die from covid

Many jobs are gone and will never come back

Uber has lost 80% of ridership 

Airbnb hemorrhaging laying off 2000 employees  

Things to get worse and mass bankruptcy’s expected in USA.

UK rejects Turkeys protective wear

And more..

Africa I gatcha section…

In Cameroon, a Catholic Church archbishop says he has discovered a remedy for the Covid19 virus based on his 30 years of research into herbal medicine. Archbishop Samuel Kleda claims have attracted plenty of attention in the central African country as he’s been offering the “Essential Oils” remedy for free.


Informing Africas4gottenbottomillions…
