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CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Whatever You Can Achieve From America Can Also Be Achieved From Africa : Africa Arise – hosted by Pastor Alfred (File Size: 3 MB Length: 12:40 mins)

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Audio Broadcast Description:

In this broadcast, Pastor Alfred proves that you don’t have to put your dreams on hold because of the country you are in or the continent you are on.
You can go for it right away, and you should.

Find out how now. Download & Listen to this broadcast right away.

Scriptures Referenced In This Broadcast:

Galatians 6:7 KJV
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

About “Africa Arise”:

Africa Arise is a broadcast series that briefly highlights certain portions of books written by Pastor Alfred that would be beneficial to Africa.

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The post Whatever You Can Achieve From America Can Also Be Achieved From Africa : Africa Arise (hosted by Pastor Alfred) first appeared on