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Click Here To Download: How To Know Which Politician To Vote For : Africa Arise ( 1 MB Length: 8:31 mins )

1) You need to know for yourself what it means to be a good politician. If you don’t know what you’re looking for how can you know if you find it?

What do you expect of a good leader in that political position? You have to have your own answer that you are convinced about.

2) Is the candidate QUALIFIED & WILLING to fill that position based on the criteria you defined in the previous point?

3) Is the candidate’s character NOBLE & HONOURABLE. You need to know what their character truly is and that they would not do a 180 and do the opposite of what they say when they get into office.

How can you know this? Simple, by looking at how they treat the waiters, the janitors, their employees, etc. That is the picture of how they would treat the nation when they receive power.

Also look at their history. Do they have a history of keeping their word? Has their word been their bond, historically?

4) Pray about it. After you have done all three points above, pray about it. Let God have the final say.

Then Vote.


About “Africa Arise”:

Africa Arise is a broadcast series that briefly highlights certain portions of books written by Pastor Alfred that would be beneficial to Africa.

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