Job hunting and interviews can be stressful at the best of times, but how can you make the steps leading up to and including the interview enjoyable and impactful. This presentation will provide advice for those seeking to rise to the top of the resume pile and tips to prepare answers for key interview questions, especially for those opportunities in Major Gifts, Leadership Giving, and Corporate Partnerships. With statistics and case studies, we’ll guide you through identifying when to apply to a position based on the posting, how to write an impactful cover letter and C.V. tailored to the position, and questions to prepare for, based on the posting. In this digital age, setting yourself apart from others throughout the recruitment process is key and we want to ensure there is equity for all throughout this process by sharing our learnings throughout this presentation. 

Learning Outcomes  

-how to position yourself as the best candidate for your ideal job opportunity 

-through the use of case studies, greater confidence in writing cover letters and C.V.s that align with the posting's opportunities, drawing on your experience and skill set 

-key interview questions that, no matter what the organization, you are guaranteed to be asked with tips on how best to answer