Congress is 14 days away, and we’re excited to be able to share another podcast episode by 2 experienced speakers!


Congress Volunteer, Sue Lockett, hosts an interview with speakers, Marina Glogovac and Jacob O’Connor.




Marina Glogovac, President & CEO at CanadaHelps, reveals how her session with Dan Kernshaw will include a case study of Dan’s experience at the Furniture Bank. Their session titled Digital Transformation: It’s All About Culture Mindset and Change Management tackles how we must adapt and begin to think differently about how we reach donors and the work we do each day. Those who embrace change, will succeed.


Jacob O’Connor will present Sector Leaders Dispel Charity Do’s & Don’ts for Cultivating Your Future Donors Gen Z/Millennial Donors. His panel of experts will discuss the ways that future donors prefer to be communicated with. It’s all about meeting them on the platforms they use, and in finding ways in which they are comfortable engaging.


Listen on your podcast player now, or bookmark for later! The fourth in a series of 4 podcasts, Marina and Jacob’s insights will prepare you for Congress and be a great intro as you listen to additional sessions.


And while you’re at it, REGISTER TODAY for #AFPCongress2021 to hear from our incredible lineup of speakers. Don’t miss out!!



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