Summer is quickly approaching and I am definitely not prepared. I’m honestly never prepared for the summer but this time I am blaming it on the fact that I am pregnant and the idea of planning a vacation in advance is not appealing. 


We have two weeks at the end of summer where my kids aren’t in camp so I am ready to get out and explore the world before we have a newborn again but we may just be spending the summer exploring the local beaches and finally finishing our home. 


Last episode I shared that I have been working on a really fun creative project that has been on my mind for years and I am excited to finally bring it to fruition. This project is a book of personal essays about my interior design career, my journey, the highs and lows as I have been in the industry for 18 years now. If there’s something you want to know more about, please send me an email at [email protected] with what you’re wanting to learn so I can make sure to include it in my book. 


Without further ado, let’s dive into the mailbag. 

This episode, we discuss…

[8:58] Changing up the backsplash and counters in the kitchen (Mel) 

[14:03] Decorating fireplace mantles (Kristin) 

[20:46] Using wall decals is a child’s room (Sara)







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