This episode we discuss types of power from Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan. We muse over inequality and what it takes to stop it through the lens of Walther Scheidel's "The Great Leveller". We discuss politics and why we hate talking about politics (we like to think all our opinions on economics are just common sense and are in no way political). We bet on whether TSMC can ever be taken down from their dominant spot manufacturing chips and, of course, bring you new ways to play and break world records in Diablo II.

Please contact us (we're so lonely) or support us on Patreon!

Piketty - Capital and the 21st century

Household wealth inequality in Australia

Hunter gatherer inequality

Brian did edit the shareholder value wikipedia page!

Amazon gives open source the middle finger
"In effect, it’s a hosted drop-in replacement for MongoDB that doesn’t use any MongoDB code "

Google LLC v Oracle America

Brian's vote compass
Chris' vote compass

Scott Alexander's Statement on New York Times Article

Leviathan Chapter X - Hobbes

The Great leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the Twenty-First Century - by Walter Scheidel

Big list of coffee bets

Macro Bio Boi - LoD completion in 7 minutes
Thread on the dashact5 mode