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Our main topics this week are Brian pushing back to the tyranny of merit on the Jolly Swagman podcast. Brian actually recorded an entire rant on this, but has mellowed to the point where we're willing to share his musings with you. Chris found Noah Smith's interview with Marc Andreesen fascinating and used it to kick off 7 million tangents.

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Big list of coffee bets - now also on Melange app.

The Dutch East Indies are a real colony that did exist.

The Standards Store is also something that exists, which is crazy to me.

The Internet's Own Boy - a story of an amazing man who was taken from us too soon

On Cultural Progress - A pushback to the article discussed in Episode 24 by super-listener SurelyKnott

Napolean was the best general ever according to a hard to scrutinise machine learning algorithms

It's time to build and technology saves the world. Marc Andreeson sure loves the tech industry, but he makes some good points.

Just in Time manufacturing and Lean Manufacturing. Chris's original career

Nassim Taleb's Black Paper trashing bitcoin