Katie Coull, our Artistic Director at afew.

Katie is a Scottish creative who graduated from East 15 Acting School in 2017, after which she co-founded two theatre companies: Dead Leaf Theatre & We Are Kilter. . Notable plays include Bit of Sunshine, written by Nicole Zweiback and directed by Katie and co-founder Ed Theakston, where they were awarded best new play at Stockwell playhouse and most successful short run play at Theatre 503. Bit of Sunshine has also gained multiple 5 star reviews in its two trips to Edinburgh Fringe.


Katie also had an excellent run with her play Celtic Sisters which she wrote, produced and acted in. Celtic Sisters debuted in June 2019 at the Tara Arts Theatre.

 Having been raised in a family full of teachers and nurses, Katie feels a strong connection to the ethos of Arts For essential workers.