Since 2002, AEO has honored leading innovators in the microenterprise development field with its Innovator Awards. This year, AEO recognized its Denver, CO member, Micro Business Development (MBD) for initiating a program that provides their clients access to affordable health care. With lack of health insurance identified as a major challenge for many Denver-based entrepreneurs, MBD partnered with Kaiser Permeanente to provide state-standard coverage to low-income MBD clients. Here, Caitlin Hedberg of MBD talks about her innovation, and how the openness of MBD leadership to new ideas allowed her to share the concept and move forward with it. MBD Executive Director Kersten Hostetter shares some of her thoughts as well. They are interviewed by Mike Skinner of AEO.

To learn more about MBD's efforts and the AEO Innovator of the Year award, go to

To listen to the podcast interview with Caitlin, click here.