Using farm data to improve operating margins is perhaps more important than ever, in a year where weak commodity prices, international trade uncertainty and abysmal planting conditions are putting farmers under serious pressure.
But how can equipment manufacturers help growers reap the benefits of digital technology? In this episode, two experts from AEM member Trimble share their insights. Director of Strategy for Trimble Ag Business Solutions Clint Dotterer outlines how and why data can create value for farmers. And Program Marketing Manager Frank Fidanza explains how he’s putting the technology to use on his family farm in New York.
Plus, AEM VP of Government and Industry Relations Kip Eideberg provides an update on the association’s advocacy efforts opposing tariffs.

Using farm data to improve operating margins is perhaps more important than ever, in a year where weak commodity prices, international trade uncertainty and abysmal planting conditions are putting farmers under serious pressure.

But how can equipment manufacturers help growers reap the benefits of digital technology? In this episode, two experts from AEM member Trimble share their insights. Director of Strategy for Trimble Ag Business Solutions Clint Dotterer outlines how and why data can create value for farmers. And Program Marketing Manager Frank Fidanza explains how he’s putting the technology to use on his family farm in New York.

Plus, AEM VP of Government and Industry Relations Kip Eideberg provides an update on the association’s advocacy efforts opposing tariffs.